2017 Archive
Ajey Preetham

Ameen Haque

Amit Chaudhuri

Amjad AliKhan

Ankit Chadha

Aparna Jaishankar

Arjun Rajendran

Arun Kamal

Ashok Vajpeyi

Ayaz Rasool Nazki

Barnali RayShukla

Chandrashekhar Kambar

Fiona Bolger

Girish Karnad


Guru T. Ladakhi

Jahnavi Barua

Jamuna Rao

Jayanta Mahapatra

Jerry Pinto

KrishnaK Manavalli

Kumudha Bharath Ram

Lavanya Prasad

Lovely Goswami

Malachi Edwin Vethamani

Mame Khan

Mani Rao

Margaret Mascarenhas

Medha Singh

Mohit Kataria

Nabanita Kanungo

Nadir Godrej

Neeraj Pandey

Nia Davies

Niranjan Iyengar

Padmavati Rao

Pavan K Varma

Prathibha Nandakumar

Priya Muthukumar

Punam Chadha-Joseph

R. PadmanabhanNair

Ranjani Murali

Ranjit Hoskote

Rochelle D'Silva

Rochelle Potkar

Rohan Chettri

Ruchita Kazaria

Saira Shah Halim




Savita Singh

Shalim Hussain

Shreekumar Vakkiyil

Smita Bellur

Sudeep Sen

Sumana Roy

Sundeep Bhutoria

Surajit Borooah

Tsering Wangmo Dhompa


Saturday 5th August 2017
10:00 am - 10:15 am
Festival Inauguration and Lamp Lighting
Amjad Ali Khan, Ashok Vajpeyi and Chandrashekhar Kambar
10:15 am - 11:00 am
Master on Masters
Ustad Amjad Ali Khan with Kumudha BharathRam
11:00 am - 11:30 am
Helatini Kela: Listen, I will tell you this story
Chandrashekhar Kambar with Krishna Manavalli
11:30 am - 12:00 pm
Book Launch of Kuch Pyaar, Kuch Tadap
Padmavati Rao and Girish Karnad with Mohit Kataria
12:00 pm - 12:45 pm
Songs from the Mist
Guru T Ladakhi, Nabanita Kanungo, Shalim Hussain and Surajit Borooah with Jahnavi Barua
12:45 am - 1:30 pm
Secret Lives, Public Voices
Margaret Mascarenhas, Salma and Sumana Roy with Mani Rao
01:30 pm - 02:00 pm
Looking Back and Forth
Arjun Rajendran and Rohan Chhetri
02:00 pm - 02:45 pm
Complicating Worlds
Fiona Bolger, Malachi Edwin Vethamani and Nia Davies with Sudeep Sen
02:45 pm - 03:45 pm
Suspected Poems
Gulzar with Pavan K. Varma
04:00 pm - 04:45 pm
The Corporate Bard
Nadir Godrej with Barnali Ray Shukla
04:45 pm - 5:30 pm
Oneself as Another
Jerry Pinto, Mani Rao and Ranjit Hoskote with Malachi Edwin Vethamani
05:30 pm - 06:00 pm
Oru Pennin Kadhai (The Story of a Woman)
06:00 pm - 06:45 pm
The Life of a Lyric Kobi is Always Short
Amit Chaudhuri with Sumana Roy
06:45 pm - 07:15 pm
Sudeep Sen
07:30 pm - 08:30 pm
Rang Dijiyo ...Mystic Colours, Tunes of Love!
Smita Bellur and Group
Sunday 6th August 2017
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Yudhishtar and Draupadi: The Challenge of Translation
Pavan K. Varma with Gulzar
11:15 am - 11:45 am
Why Poetry ?
Jerry Pinto
11:45 am - 12:15 pm
Family Rhymes
Medha Singh and Savita Singh
12:15 pm - 12:45 pm
Poems Without a Home
Ayaz Rasool Nazki and Tsering Wangmo Dhompa
12:45 pm - 01:45 pm
Ondu Lessu Ondu Plussu
Prathibha Nandakumar and Group
01:45 pm - 02:15 pm
Kavita Ki Kahaniyaan
Ashok Vajpeyi
02:15 pm - 03:00 pm
The Way Things Were: Decoding the Personal
Punam Chadha-Joseph, Ranjani Murali, Rochelle D'Silva and Rochelle Potkar with Samantak Bhadra
03:00 pm - 03:30 pm
The Shifting Shape of the Poem
Ranjit Hoskote
03:30 pm - 04:00 pm
Nayi Nukkad
Lovely Goswami, Neeraj Pandey and Viky Arya with Sandeep Shikhar
04:15 pm - 04:45 pm
Publishing Poetry
Jamuna Rao and Medha Singh with Sundeep Bhutoria
04:45 pm - 05:15 pm
Casualties of Love and Sex
Barnali Ray Shukla and Niranjan Iyengar
3:00 pm - 3:25 pm
Cities and Mirrors
Anjum Hasan with Usha Rao
05:15 pm - 05:45 pm
Anuraga Vilochanan
Shreekumar Vakkiyil
05:45 pm - 06:30 pm
Kavita Ke Naye Ilaqey
Arun Kamal and Savita Singh with Sourav Roy
06:30 pm - 07:00 pm
Poetry as Angst
Ruchhita Kazaria and Saira Shah Halim with Samantak Bhadra
07:30 pm - 08:30 pm
Songs from the Desert
Mame Khan and Group
Sunday 6th August 2017
10:00 am – 11:45 am
Discovering your own Poetics - A Poetry Appreciation Workshop
Mani Rao
Description of workshop:
From writing 'under the influence' of the poet/s you're lately reading to finding your own distinct voice ... just how does this happen? In this 1 hour-45 minute session, poet Mani Rao will look closely at the poetic styles of a range of poets and discuss/appreciate aspects of craft and the distinct characteristics of their poetics.12:00 pm – 01:45 pm
Arun Kamal
In this 1 hour-45 minute interactive session, award-winning poet Arun Kamal will introduce the use of imagery, metaphors and symbols in poetry writing. He will discuss meter and rhythm and the making of a prose poem. Writing exercises during this workshop will boost the creative urge in aspiring poets.02:00 pm – 03:45 pm
Poem Vs. Song
Niranjan Iyengar
While both poetry and songs are lyrical and rhythmic, not every song can be read as a poem and not every poem can be set to music. Well-known film lyricist and poet Niranjan Iyengar will take you through a 1 hour-45 minute interactive session on the differences between the two forms, with some written exercises thrown in to help you experience first-hand the nuances of poetry writing and songwriting.04:00 pm – 05:45 pm
Spoken Word Poetry
Rochelle D'Silva
In this 1 hour-45 minutes interactive session performance poet Rochelle D'Silva will introduce the elements required to create a spoken word poem. Through videos and writing exercises she will focus on what it takes to write a performance poem. The workshop will also touch upon basics of poetry writing.For Children
Saturday 5th August 2017
10:30 am – 11:30 am
Riddles in Verse
Ankit Chadha
There are riddles in visuals, there are riddles in actions, and then there are riddles in verse. Ankit Chadha, the author of Amir Khusrau - The Man in Riddles, invites children with their elders to play along. Khusrau, the great poet of the 13th century, made songs out of the most banal experiences of life. Come, sing along these riddles that have been sung for the last 700 years.Age:8+
11:30 am – 01:00 pm
Discover the Poet in You Workshop
Ameen Haque
Who says children cannot be poets or that poetry is not everyone’s cup of tea? Come and listen to poetry written for children. And get started on your journey as a poet. Write some poems. Share with others. And listen to theirs. Come with a blank page, open mind and discover the poet within you.Age Between: 9 to 14
01:00 pm – 02:30 pm
Performing Poetry for Children Workshop
Ajey Preetham
Children will be exposed and taken into the world of poems, through theatre exercises, theatre games, stories etc The session will culminate in a performance by the children participants using a poem.Age: 8+
02:30 pm – 04:00 pm
Book your Treasure
Aparna Jaishankar
In this 90 minute session, children will be treated to a treasure hunt around the venue. Clues will be in the form of age appropriate riddles, cryptic messages and more. Groups will be formed based on the age of the participants.Age: 5+
04:00 pm – 05:00 pm
Chham, Chham, Chham - Folktales and Rhymes from India
Priya Muthukumar
This session focusses on weaving tales and traditional Indian rhymes together, highlighting the cultural richness of the two. Introducing the current generation to the stories and rhymes which were popular in the previous generation.Age: 5+
05:00 pm – 06:00 pm
Bhaktas of Bharatadesa - Poets of Karnataka and their Lives
Lavanya Prasad
An attempt to bring in the age old tradition of storytelling. Music and Movement, flourished during the earlier years and artists incorporated them in their stories to bring more clarity and understanding, some argue the other way as well. The stories shared will be centred around the poets of Karnataka and their lives.Age: 5+
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